Jason & Aracely from 2Backpackers recently created a list on their Twitter account of all the great blogging travel couples. Many of these couples I already knew about, while others came as a delightful surprise to me as I was scrolling through the list. It was then that I realized how many unique couples are out their sharing their vagabonding stories with the world. Some couples are new to this lifestyle, others are seasoned travelers. Some couples travel with a purpose, others travel just to experience.
It is through this discovery of all these inspirational duos that I decided to create a travel couples superlative list of some couples that really caught my eye.
This list is just the tip of the iceberg of all the outstanding travel couples around the globe. I hope to learn more about others as I begin my journey as a digital nomad. In the meantime, I hope you are inspired by this article to share YOUR list of favorites with LandingStanding… and with the world!
Here are the winners:
The Early-Stagers: Two Travelaholics and So Many Places
Mr and Ms. Travelaholic (soon to be “Mrs.” as they are getting married in June!) are just like Mr. and Mrs. Landingstanding (a.k.a. the UnRulli’s). They are two 9-5ers tired of the daily grind and in search for something more fulfilling. As newlyweds, they plan to hop around the globe (starting in mid 2012) for as long as their money will last them. Their ultimate goal is to travel off the beaten path and root themselves in particular cities or countries to learn more about global cultures and to grow as a couple. Just like we were in the beginning stages of our RTW planning, they have not told their employers yet of their plans, so they are anonymous for the time being – oh the anticipation!
Kim and Brian from So Many Places are also new to the vagabonding world. They are a couple from Oregon that are quitting their cubicle jobs and selling all their stuff to travel the world and live the dream. Like Tony and I, they also begin their journey at the beginning of 2012. Because they are coming from the west coast of the states, they are planning on starting their journey in New Zealand and moving West, whereas we are starting in South America and moving East. Too bad because I would have loved to catch up with them on the road – Maybe we will be lucky enough to cross paths with this happy couple in Europe or something! Best of luck Kim and Brian!
The Pros: y Travel Blog
Caz and Craig of y Travel Blog have world travel down to a science – and a business. They have been on the road since 1997 and have continued to stay on it even with their two young girls. IMPRESSIVE. They have consistently ranked in the top 10 of the 100 Independent travel Blogs and have over 25,000 monthly visitors to their blog – and for good reasons. Their blog is jam packed with travel awesomeness on everything from travel guides, how-to articles, work abroad/ volunteer opportunities, etc. With almost 15 years of travel expertise, you would be silly not to pick their brains!
The Entrepreneurs: As We Travel
Similar to Caz and Craig, Nathan and Sofia from As We Travel are travel gurus. They have been on the road together since 2008 but more impressively, they have created a travel empire on their blog. As We Travel was founded in 2010 and on this blog/site, you will find hundred of resources on the latest travel advice, clutter-free city guides, and HD travel videos from around the world. They also published an eBook, Round The World Pre-Travel Guide, that is perfect for travel novices like me and Tony. Nathan and Sofia dominate the globe and their business venture and are a great go-to couple for all things travel.
The Travel Niche Bloggers: Vino Vagabonds
Not only do the Vinovagabonds have quite possibly the coolest blog name, but they also blog about my most favorite thing in the whole world (okay well maybe its 3rd after Tony and chocolate). That is – you guessed it – Vino!
Jeff and Brittany worked in Napa in 2009 to pursue their passion for wine, only to find that their passion expanded out beyond just the U.S. With that, they decided to live life with the glass half full and packed their bags to travel the world and explore the wonders of global wine and food – Tough life, huh? Their site is great for wine and food enthusiasts, as they share mouth watering stories on their experiences eating and drinking their way across the globe. They also have great monthly newsletters and wine education articles – Cheers!
The Cool Kids: Positive World Travel
If you asked me right now who I would love to have a drink with, it would be Anthony and Elise from Positive World Travel. Not only are they Aussies (and therefore cool by default), but they just seem to have such a great time with each other during their travels. See what I mean by checking out their epic “Who Are Positive World Travel?” video.
Want to have a drink with them too? Well this may be a pipe dream, but you can always buy them a drink!
The Artists: 2Backpackers
Jason & Aracely are a globetrotting couple residing in Miami (hello neighbors!). On their site you will fine outstanding guest posts, travel videos, photos, photos, and more photos (i.e. photo essays and “photos of the day”), and even Travel Tips. Their blog captures the beautiful moments of world travel and serves as a perfect escape from my cubicle life at 4:00PM mid-week.
The Balanced Backpackers: Traveling Canucks
Nicole and Cameron Wears of Traveling Canucks know how to work hard and play HARDER. Many vagabonds have 100% quit their jobs to travel the world. Initially that is what Nicole and Cameron did as well. However, they now value balance between their careers, family, and a life on the road. They like to have both roots AND wings.
Nicole and Cameron currently live in their beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia home and go to work every day like most people. However, they are still avid travelers and spread their wings as often as possible – whether it’s a one week vacation or a backpacking journey with no plans or itinerary. The goal of their blog is to inspire and motivate all types of travelers (in any lifestyle situation) through their stories, videos, and photographs.
Up next, solo traveler superlatives. Stay tuned!
Exhausted from traveling every week as a Business Management Consultant early in my career, I took a year off in 2012 to travel at my own pace. I am a high-energy girl that loves being active, eating food, drinking wine, and exploring the world with my partner-in-crime (and husband), Tony! I now reside in Portland, Oregon and continue to write about travel, food, wine, and the awesome adventures we have in the Pacific NW!
Hey you guys, thanks!!! It’s so fun to be included in this list and… guess what? Since we’ve sold our house our plans have changed a bit so we are going to be starting in South America!!! Maybe we really will get to cross paths with you guys
Though our start date is pushed back a little bit too. Anyway, thanks for including us and thanks for introducing me to Two Travelaholics, I haven’t “met” them yet.
Kim – What great news and congrats on selling the house! We start in Santiago, Chile and then plan to travel to Buenos Aires and Costa Rica (and other places here and there). Keep us posted on your travel plans as your departure date gets closer!
Hey! Thanks for including us in this post. It’s nice to be included with such great company! 😉
You’re Welcome Cam! We had such a great time writing this and exploring all the fascinating travel couples out there. Let us know your favorites!
Thanks so much for including us and the encouraging words.
I agree with Positive World Travel, we can’t wait to have a beer with them when we meet up one day somewhere in the world.
Great list of travel couples
Thanks Caz! We were hoping this post would connect some travel couples with each other…It would be great to hear about travel couples meeting up around the globe.
Thank you so much for selecting us to be on the list, we are extremely flattered! Good to hear you’re as much of a wine lover as we are!
You’re welcome Jeff. We start our trip in Chile in January and will keep you posted on our favorite vinos when we are down there!
What a great list! These are the cool kids!
Hey, great website! My wife and I are also traveling around the world this year and we like hearing about others who are doing the same.
Thanks Andrew! Best of luck on your upcoming RTW trip… We will be sure to follow
Keep in touch!
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