Tony and I just completed our trip around the world and as we are reconnecting with friends and family from home, I keep getting asked the same question: “Did travel change you?”
Relaxing in Gili Air Indonesia – Instagram: @LandingStanding
In short: Nope! I am still the whacky girl that left on a jet plane last January to explore the world with my equally whacky husband. But one thing did change… Traveling made me a happier person and made me appreciate life and love so much more. If there is anything I learned this year, it is that life is precious (and short)… so don’t waste it on being anything but completely HAPPY.
But what exactly did I do that made me such a happier person? Aside from frequently embarking on exhilarating adventures all around the globe with my partner in crime, I made a conscious effort to put myself (and Tony) first in life and live each-and-every day like it was the last…. I know, it’s a cliché. But IT WORKED.
And it’s never too late to put yourself first and live life on your terms. Here are some incredibly simple (and random) steps you can start TODAY that will help you look, feel, and BE awesome… And enjoy life that much more.
50 Ways To Be AWESOME
- Make yourself a priority in life
- Set both big and small goals for yourself
- Actually stick to your goals!
- Sing in the shower
- Eat chocolate… daily.
- Surround yourself ONLY with people that make you a better person
- Go for a run… just exercise DAILY.
- Workout in the morning: It will wake you right up and there is nothing from your busy schedule holding you back
- Take a cold shower after you workout: You will hate it (and me) for the first 5 seconds… and then you will feel incredible!
- Stop complaining and take action for what’s troubling you!
- Enjoy a good meal with great wine and conversation
- Listen to ridiculously awesome music while cooking!
- Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night
- Eat as many fruits and veggies as humanely possible!
- Play with a dog whenever you get the chance
- Enjoy a good Charcuterie or cheese plate with friends every now and then… Nom nom!!!
- Keep a journal
- Drink LOTS of water
- Make S’Mores year-round (in the microwave or via stovetop)
- Say “YES” more than “No”… MUCH MORE.
- Snuggle
- Smile
- Laugh often
- Splurge on a fancy dinner out… and do the damn tasting menu!
- Create daily to-do lists…. and crush them.
- Spend family and friend time over a game of cards or a lively board game
- Talk dirty
- Wear sexy or goofy underwear no matter what the occasion is
- Go on a romantic date with your sweetheart as often as possible
- Engage in PDA
- Have sex… Hi mom!
- Get outdoors and get your daily dosage of Vitamin D
- Wear sunscreen
- Get addicted to TV comedies (personal faves: Arrested Development, Parks & Recreation, New Girl… The list goes on)
- Be content with doing absolutely NOTHING
- Go outside your comfort zone as often as you can
- Stop caring about what other people think of you
- Engage in potty humor
- Create a bucket list…. and don’t wait until you retire to check items off of it!
- Plan as many getaways and vacations as possible!
- Make eye contact with others
- ALWAYS follow the Golden Rule: It is amazing how elated you feel when you are nice to others… Especially complete strangers!
- Pig out on horrible (but delicious) junk food… Just remember everything in moderation!
- Become a member of a club or team (a book club, Weight Watchers, a kickball team, etc.)
- Learn to laugh at yourself: I am the most accident-prone person I know and probably should roam this earth wearing a helmet… But through my clumsiness, I have learned to not take life too seriously and to laugh at my ridiculousness!
- Get a caffeine rush from a good cup of coffee… Or just use the coffee as a hand-warmer!
- Strive to learn something new everyday… and read as much as possible!!!
- Stop making excuses
- Throw spontaneous dance parties no matter where you are or what you are doing
Your turn: What awesome tips would you add to this list?
Exhausted from traveling every week as a Business Management Consultant early in my career, I took a year off in 2012 to travel at my own pace. I am a high-energy girl that loves being active, eating food, drinking wine, and exploring the world with my partner-in-crime (and husband), Tony! I now reside in Portland, Oregon and continue to write about travel, food, wine, and the awesome adventures we have in the Pacific NW!
Love all of them! Thanks for being AWESOME!
Awww thanks Care! You and Josh inspire us to be even MORE awesome 😉
#30 is something I definitely learned living in Buenos Aires
Oh that is BIG in South America. Tony and I are not ashamed to cuddle and show affection in public, but we draw the line at going at it in parks, subways, etc…. A frequent thing we saw alll over BA!
Love this list and agree with them all. I feel like I do a lot of these things automatically when I’m with the Rulli’s! xo
Damn right! 😉
I’m definitely running morning meeting on this :)))
thank you!
Meg, what a great article. Reading the list made me think that I better get going on some of them before my time runs out.
haha thanks JR… Get on it!!
I love it! I must admit that I am going to take up no 28 just to give myself a boost. Thanks for the list, it really made me smile
My performance ExOfficio undies weren’t the sexiest thing during our RTW but they did the trick. I’m excited now to be back in the land of Victoria’s Secret! 😀
LOVE this.
Don’t do things because “you have to” do things because you “want to.”
Put effort in! As Tom Hanks said in the best movie ever, “If it was easy, everyone would be doing it…It’s the hard that makes it great.”
Fall in love with failing. No really. Failing is just a part of the learning process. Just think of it as a necessary step to success.
When sick, eat garlic. It kills everything.
Connect. There’s nothing more important in life than human connection. I’ve realized western culture is so set up for connection between your partner and maybe your family, but we need so much more than that. Create a community. Create friendships. Create inside jokes.
Just start. Imagine how far you’ll be one year from now if you start today.
Big fans of everything except the early morning workouts 😉
Amazing list Leanne. I agree with all of your statements and I love the Ton Hanks quote…. Now that Tony and I are trying to start our own business, we are working harder than ever but having such a great time with the whole process. I honestly wake up every morning excited to see what the day brings.
I also think connecting with others is SO important. Technology today has made our connections so much easier, but we also need to understand the importance of putting our phones and computers down once in awhile and actually having meaningful in-person connections.
Thanks so much for your thoughtful insight!!
Oh are a delight..all I would add is contact your parents often for those lucky enough to still have them..they are the ones who supported you till you could go alone and find adventure…just a random phone call. text message . I often get little surprise packages in the mail..makes all that child rearing so worth it….May you both have a long and happy future..
haha I feel like my mom put you up to this…. just kidding, I totally agree with you and thanks so much for the thoughtful note. It is so important to keep our parents and family close even when we are across the world. Both of our families have been SO supportive of our RTW trip and Tony and I are so thankful to have them in our lives! Thanks again Liz for the wonderful advice
I want to hang out with you guys. That is all.
haha we want to hang out with you too Melissa!!!
Great, great list! Of course, travel is my favorite. #37 is one I constantly struggle with, but I’m working on it.
Thanks Ali! I totally agree that #37 is much easier said than done… it was probably the hardest one to actually do in my list. It is still sometimes a struggle for me, but I am learning to ignore people’s negativity more and more. My husband, Tony, always says, “if they don’t like you (or what you are doing), then you are better off without them”… He’s the best haha!
Well written
Thanks Manick!
Great list… one note: A little typo.. “it’s never to late to change…” should be “it’s never too late to change… ”
Have a great day!
haha apparently my editing is not awesome… thanks for the find!
Great list Meg!
Be happy with what you have and what you are.
Also reading should be in the list, a wide range of books, and definitely keep track new science developments to keep track of where world is moving towards. A rationally thinking mind is always a beautiful mind.
Thanks! I think your advice is spot on. I always try and learn something new everyday and the best way to do that is through reading. I think everyone should set aside a certain amount of time each day (15 mins, 30 mins, etc.) to do just that. I love you quote “A rationally thinking mind is always a beautiful mind”… It’s so true!
If she were my woman, I’d make her first in my life too.
Awesome? People use that word without thought to what it actually means. That is a word that should be saved for things that are actually AWESOME. Your children being born, graduating high school or college, getting married, falling in love, etc…. When you just throw it around willy-nilly the word loses it’s intend meaning… No one is “awesome”. If you think you are then more than likely you’re an average humdrum, so and so and a nobody.
Thanks for the feedback Ben and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I do throw the word “awesome” around a lot, but I enjoy life to the fullest and want others to as well…. I hope you have an awesome day!!!
Heart is feeling cool now.. thanks to you guys .. enjoy
Glad to hear Sudeep!
YAh! Another ‘feel good about yourself’ list. Original stuff there.
top of the morning to ya i love this post!
Thanks GiGi!! Hope you have a great day
“50 Ways to Be Awesome”?
I am sorry but this is ridiculous. There are probably some good points in the list but most of them are way too subjective to be taken seriously. For one, traveling in and of itself will not make you awesome, rather, whatever activity that precipitates the kinds of emotions and mental stimulation that traveling provides for many, but which may come in a wide variety of activities for different people, will probably make you feel awesome. But, I guess that would be hard to break down into a compact list.
Thanks Matthew for your feedback. I think when coming up with this type of list, it is hard not to be subjective… and I definitely meant for the article to be ridiculous (I wrote about eating S’Mores for crying out loud haha), so I am glad you thought it was too! 😉
Also, if this was my last day on earth I would be pretty depressed.
That`s a wonderful post. I will start to practice them to really be Awesome.
Thanks Zeal!! Continue being awesome!! 😀
Meg, congrats!! I’ve been stalking you just a little and can say, you’ve done itown proud! So, what was the best best best spot to hike in your whole year?
Aww thanks so much Jamie for the kind words! It has been FOREVER since we last connected and I hope all is well with you and the family. My family moved out of Ithaca but I hope to make it back to itown soon… I might just even have to do a travel article on our little hometown! The best place to hike was the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu -HIGHLY recommend!
Thanks again Jamie and keep in touch
Love this post!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up… (please!)
Thanks KPG! We will definitely keep the ridiculous posts coming your way! Stay tuned…
yal r crazy mad love yo
mad love to you too!!
Love this list! Agree with KSK on the reading. Especially books about travel like Peter Mayle’s about Provence. Life is too short!
Totally agree Kelly. Reading “The 4 Hour Workweek” and “Vagabonding” were what got me inspired to travel in the first place… Best decision ever!! Life is indeed too short!
I loved The 4 Hour Workweek! One of my favs. I need to read it again! Putting “Vagabonding” on my list
I liked the potty humor.. haha
It’s the best! You know everyone’s thinking it anyways!
mmmmm Cheese……I love a good cheese plate!
When you are on a months long trip, what else are you going to put first besides the two of you? You have nothing else to concern you..clean the house?…nope; mow the lawn?…nope; take out the garbage?…nope; check on your ailing parents?…nope; meet work deadlines, get the kids to school, pay the bills, make the doctor and dentist appointments?..NOPE. You had better be focusing on yourself and each other or you are in a coma.
Very true Julie. Traveling for a year gave us quality time to focus on each other and it was so great for or marriage – It would be crazy if we didn’t take advantage of that time!
It is like people have forgotten to be awesome!
Awesome post Meg!
Seriously! haha thanks Ali
I have an advanced question. What happens if you max out on awesome? For example, I will sometimes combine wine with chocolate, cheese, board games, charcuterie and wine. Is it too much?
Long time reader, first time poster.
Love pat
Hahaha oh we miss you Pat Extreme… Whenever we are with you, we are automatically on Awesome Overdrive! Tell B-Rooke we say hi and I hope all is well!
It’s already getting me warmed up! Crazy list!
haha glad you feel all jazzed up from the article Millachin!
Loved the list, thanks for the share~
Thanks Sofo
I love this, especially putting yourself and your spouse first and getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Couldn’t agree more! Thanks for sharing your insights with us
Those two are very high on my list. I also feel like my husband and I get together so much better BECAUSE we get so much sleep…. I can be real cranky when I am tired!
Great list. Is that your chair? If so, where can I find another one like it? I love it!
haha It was a chair at this restaurant in Indonesia…. I was OBSESSED!
Love it…. But, bigger than a huge mountain, it would take me years to come close to even achieving half of these.
Oh I hope that’s not true Sandy… Plus, it is always about creating your OWN little awesome moments!
I like sing in the shower. In the shower, you can be anyone you want to be. A pilot, an astronaut, heck, the president of the United States.
I think we could be great friends!
nothing like traveling the world, some can… i cant!
best to the two of you.
Thanks Mike! Honestly, some of the best places to travel to are near home!
tis was amazing. Lol u said have sex then the ” Hi Mom!” was funny. Good tips.
haha glad you liked it Areej!
You have a complete understanding of what a happy life is, keep inspiring us!
(you’re also very funny)
thank you so much
Thanks Andrea for the incredibly nice words – I will try my best to continue to inspire! I hope you continue to follow us along and share some of your living awesome tips with us as well!!!
Learning to laugh at yourself is by far the best tip out there!
Thanks GiGi! I am so clumsy…. it’s a MUST!
I always thought moving somewhere new and trying something different is good. After high school I moved away from my home town of the first 18 years of my life. It was still in the same state(va) only 3 hours away but it was a change. Had a great 5 years there but this past summer wanted to explore more so I moved to Florida and thats where I am now, next stop in a couple years will be Colorado! Ive gotten out of my comfort zone over the past few years which agree is huge as well. Of course, who can ever disagree with number 31 ha. Stay Awesome!
Hahaha 31 is essential! Thanks Lucas for your response. I totally agree that trying out new places always keeps things interesting and fun. I also have lived on my own since I was 18 and lived in Boston after college before wanting a change. We then moved to Florida as well (Miami!) and loved experiencing life down there for a couple years. Now that we are back from our 2012 trip around the world, we are once again looking for a change. We’re driving cross country this week and looking to possibly move to Portland or San Fran… Although we also hear GREAT things about Colorado (Especially Denver)… Keep us posted on how you like it!
Good list… I am actually half way to be completely awesome (34 points achieved and 18 left)… I noticed that you gave priority to both short term and long term goals AND to actually stick to them… Stay Awesome!
And I need to work more on my Maths.
Thanks Aves for commenting…. haha my math sucks too (I didn’t even notice the error at first!) 😉
Hi Meg, this list is now on my fridge. You have inspired me to be awesome! I’m about to book a getaway! Thanks!
Hi Jonny – This note made me so happy to read! So glad you found the article inspiring and printed it out!! Where is your upcoming getaway?! Thanks again and much love!
This is surely dope! You’re so posi and I love it! thanks for finding the time to type it out. :)) All of my “prtnrs in criiiime” are home bodies and it’s driving me nutz! and I find myself floating around city to city making lots of acquaintances and no solid friendships. Do you have any experience with this? If you do can you write me an extremely short list on 2 ways to stop traveling and finding peace in staying in one place.. and if not can you write me an extremely short list on 1 song you could possibly sing happily in a cold shower? thanks!
Popizmik – Thanks for commenting and I totally hear ya on being a floater… I have been there many times before!! Here’s my advice:
2 ways to stop traveling and finding peace in one place:
– Do a stay-cation and do all the touristy things in your city that you would never do otherwise!
– Join a local club – Bootcamp group, kickball team, rock climbing group, book club, whatever to have frequent and engaging social events with other friends and locals!
… and I HAVE to add a third about food:
– Try and explore as many local restaurants/eateries as possible!
One song to sing in a cold shower: Cold As Ice Lyrics by Foreigner!!
Arrested dev, and Parks and recreations are also my liked ones. OK, I like any serial with slightest hint of humor in it
The characters in both of these shows are amazing!!!
You guys are AWESOME!!!!!!!! Thank you for writing this post
Thanks Pika… Glad you liked it!
Amazing! #38: Engage in potty humor–never gets old!!
haha I know! I have the dirtiest mind ever but I like to think people appreciate it… and it always makes me laugh/smile on the inside. I’m also always a fan of a good “that’s what she said!”
I Like it, I like it
Glad you enjoyed it Saleem!
Excellent list, simple and delightful. It captures the folk wisdom of appreciating what you have! I have a question… what is #30 – Engage in PDA… not sure what you mean by that… like mobile devices and texting or are you referring to something else?
Great list. Agree with all of ’em.
PAUL: PDA stands for Public Display of Affection… so I think she means, don’t be shy and go ahead and kiss and hug and hold hands with your friends and lovers in public. Who cares if it grosses other people out – you only get one ride on this crazy planet!!!!
haha thanks for answering Paul question, Jennifer! I appreciate you both commenting and I am so glad you enjoyed the list!
Do drugs!
You two ROCK !!!!
especially rule # 27 made my day, THANKS !!!!!
Had a minor dispute on a VT forum with some lady suffering under Britain’s grey skies (or her sexlife is giving her a pain in the *ss
Whatever her reason, she does not seem to understand that life is a party, shared with friends !
It p*ssed me off, as I do, and try to live to only one rule: live happy, share happiness.
Since we retired and moved from Holland to this God given part of the globe (Dalmatia), that’s what our life is about.
Some people still tumble around in dark thoughts, dragging others into their darkness.
You don’t, praise the Lord, you DON’T !
(Being a non believer, I prefer to praise Nature and Life, but hey, that’s another story).
Anyway, you made my day, so thanks again !!!!
And yes I subscribed to your fantastic pages, OF COURSE !
To bad you write them in English in stead of in Dutch
3xCheers, God save the Queen of hilarious stories !
Thanks Pim for the note and I totally agree with you that it’s all about living happy and sharing that with others – I hate people’s negativity when they try and bring others down with them! You seem to have it all figured out 😀 – Sorry our posts aren’t in Dutch by the way, but I am glad you signed up for our emails anyways!
The best thing I’ve seen on Stumble in a month – thank you so much!
Glad to hear Peter and thanks for commenting!
Dear Meg,
I like your list a lot more than other similar ones that usually entail much more seriousness– that is to say that it feels like a list of rules rather than one for happiness in life. It has enough of just “kick back” activities that I think help remind us that we are still human and some doing certain things like pigging out are okay now and then. thanks
Thanks Rosa! Achieving happiness in life is all about the “kick back” activities – and of course, pigging out and treating yourself!
Achieving happiness in life is something that takes a lot of effort.
love your life everyday!!
Thanks so much for commenting and yes, happiness is WORK!
we love it……
So glad to hear JME Marketing!!
Nice post Meg!
You gave me a lot of new idea! Thanks!
The “Take a cold shower after you workout” routine… I did it first thing in the morning for a while; it’s true … it is so brutal! The first 10 second, your entire body hate it! But then … wow … you feel so good, so alive! It’s a great feeling! Thank for the reminder I’m gona start again.
Nice blog!
Thanks Chuck! I checked out your website and really like you are all about
The cold showers are the BEST! Although, I’ll admit that I haven’t been doing it during the cold winter months recently… Your reminder will get me back into cold-shower gear!
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