We don’t do a lot of shop talk on the site, but we do hear from enough new travel bloggers out there to know that people are curious as to how blogging might help them travel better.
The problem is, many people start blogs and quickly (or eventually) get frustrated/bored with the whole process and quit.
Why is that?
Lack of money. Too much work. Not enough ideas for content. No audience.
Everyone who starts a blog hits a wall at some point, but only those that create strategies in advance to go through, around, or over that wall eventually find success. And because we find blogging about our travels to be rewarding by itself (not to mention the very real potential for sponsored activities and food), we want to help those of you who are in the midst of a blogging struggle to get past it.
8 Different Ways To Get Over, Under, Through Your Blogging Brickwall
1) Start A Side Project
Instead of obsessing over your blog, spend some creative energy creating something new. It could be related to your blog’s industry or in an entirely different category. The key is to shift your focus to something that might get your creative juices flowing again. Plus, you never know when a side project could turn into a successful venture of its own.
Splitting your focus can be a dangerous tactic, but if the alternative is quitting your blog… you might just want to give it a shot.
2) Start A Side Business
If money is the issue, turn your idea for a side project into a business. Are there people who need your project? Would they pay money? Start a side business and leverage your blog to help propel you to success.
3) Start A Joint Venture With A Friend
Scared of the amount of work involved in starting a side project or side business? Don’t forget the keyword “side….” But if you are still worried, partner with a friend or colleague in your industry to start a side project together. You get the benefit of applying your energies outside of your blog and can split the work load with someone else.
You also have someone to brainstorm with and to share in the adventure of starting something new… Blogging can be lonely and working with someone else can help renew your spirit.
4) Add A Partner Or Consistent Contributor To Your Blog
If the loneliness of blogging is getting to you, adding a partner or consistent contributor can do wonders. It reduces the content creation burden for you and can also open up your site to new audiences as you are adding a new voice to your blog.
This has the added benefit of keeping all of your energies directed towards the success of your blog while freeing up your time to think more creatively about the direction you want to take it.
5) Go To A Conference
A conference in your blog’s industry, or even totally unrelated to blogging, can give you a sense of camaraderie with others and of purpose. It also will provide a giant dose of inspiration and dozens of strategies that could be used on your site and in your business ventures.
Conferences also have a not so small side effect of introducing you to some amazing people. Many of whom might end up being great contacts that can help grow your audience and or even collaborate with you on future side projects.
6) Take A Blog Vacation… With Posts Written & Scheduled In Advance
Sometimes you just need a break. Instead of letting your blog go idle, which can then turn into you never writing again, why not schedule yourself a blogging vacation? Spend one weekend writing a month’s worth of content and then schedule that content to be published. This way your readers stay engaged and you get a well deserved break.
7) Add valuable guest posts from others
If the creation of content is burning you out, maybe it is time to reach out to others who might be able to lend their voice to your site. Blogs that have been started more recently than yours are always looking for a little publicity and have authors who would love to guest post on your site. Just make sure that the guest posts you allow are up to the standard you have set for yourself.
8) Guest Post On Blogs In A Different Category Than You: Get Inspired By Thinking Differently
Guest posting can be a great strategy to help draw engaged readers to your site. But you are still usually writing about topics that you would normally write about. If you are feeling burnt out from your own blog, writing about a new topic can inspire you. So reach out to blogs in different categories than you and get crazy. Come up with some insane topics that lets your creativity flow and renews your passion.
Anything Else?
Have you hit a blogging brick wall before? How did you get over, under, or through it? There are no wrong ways to go about it, but just remember that what works for one person might not work for you. The key is to keep trying.
Share your strategies in the comments below and then share the article online!
Quit his job to try actually following his dreams for once... and is currently loving it. He is working hard to to make this life-style permanent by writing about his adventures and brainstorming money making opportunities with his partner-in-crime, Meg.
Hi Tony,
This is a great list! Do you have any suggestions on how to find blogging conferences?
Thank you!
For travel blogging, there are a bunch and they are usually in great places. TBU, TBEX, WTM are just a few off the top of my head. Usually asking around in facebook groups is how we find the best conferences that our peers love
Good luck, Trina!
Thank you! I’ll check them out!
Because the admin of this website is working, no doubt very quickly
it will be famous, due to its quality contents.
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