If you follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook then you probably know by now that we have put a pause on our world travels (for now!) and have recently setup roots in Portland, OR… and we are OBSESSED! In Portland, the food/drink scene is great, the people are overwhelmingly friendly, and there is so […]

It’s been a couple years since our RTW trip (how time flies!), but I continually get emails from both strangers and friends looking for travel tips as they gear up for long-term travel. “What should I pack?” “Where should I go?” “Should I be worried about getting sick on the road?” So, to help break […]

With our recent move to Portland, Tony and I are loving the ability to kick our feet back, explore our new hometown, and to finally setup some roots after being on the road for almost two years. As much as we are loving being homebodies right now, the one thing that we miss from our […]

@landingstanding July 26th marked our first day as Portland residents – and since then it has been a whirlwind to say the least! Prior to moving here, we heard so many great things from friends and family about the city… the food, the outdoors, the people, etc. But one common theme we kept hearing about […]

I drove Tony to the airport yesterday for a weekend Bachelor Party in Charleston, SC. As I was shipping him off, I realized that we haven’t traveled separately in over a year… I know, pathetic. But what can I say? We love traveling together! Gettin’ the party started at 30,ooo feet! After a year traveling […]

Whether it’s celebrity gossip, the Cronut movement, or the newest smart phone (yes, Tony still has a flip phone), we are known for being late to the game on things… But as a traveling couple that loves exploring cheap ways to travel, one wave that we need to hop ASAP on is Travel Hacking. What is […]

Tony and I traveled around the world for an ENTIRE year in 2012 each carrying 32 Litre backpacks. I’m just gonna say it… We totally nailed the whole “packing light” concept Let’s face it, checking a bag sucks. You have to get to the airport early to get your bag checked into the flight, you […]

For the entire year of 2012, Tony and I traveled the world without a plan. Beyond our airline tickets (that we bought a few weeks in advance of our desired travel dates) and the occasional hotel room booked out, we explored the globe not knowing what came next. It was liberating and thrilling… But […]