Hey team… We love you. We really do. Which is why we need your help! We want to make sure we are constantly improving and providing not only useful, but super interesting content to you on a consistent basis. In order to do this, we sweetly ask that you take 1 minute to fill out […]

“For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope […]

Is getting work done possible while traveling? Between the constant moves between cities and irregular schedule, how can you get anything done? Yes you can and the “how” of it is pretty simple. If you are someone who gets things done when you’re at home or at work, you will get things done when you […]

Big holidays are easy to remember and provide a great yardstick for me to measure my life. I might not remember where I was April 18th, but I can pretty easily list off where I was the last few July 4th’s (American Independence Day): Last July 4th, Meg and I were in Berlin. The 4th […]

A common thing we hear from people who learn about our travels is that they envy us and wish they could do what we are doing. This sentiment always gives me two thoughts: “It really isn’t that hard. All you have to do is leave your job and travel for a year with no fixed […]

Sometimes you all surprise us… We have loved Croatia since we stayed there for 5 weeks in the early summer of 2012. We have also told everyone we meet that it was one of the best places we visited as far as food (big Italian influence), people (incredibly friendly), and price. While everyone we tell […]

We don’t do a lot of shop talk on the site, but we do hear from enough new travel bloggers out there to know that people are curious as to how blogging might help them travel better. The problem is, many people start blogs and quickly (or eventually) get frustrated/bored with the whole process and […]

You would think something as widely reported and overstated online as “Secret Entrance To The Louvre!!!” would quickly stop being a secret. If you just do a few Google searches about the Louvre you will stumble upon travel forums full of people sharing these “secrets.” So why am I sharing this same advice with you? Because […]