Happy belated 4th of July to all of our friends and family back home! July 4th marked Independence Day in the US, along with our exact halfway point into our RTW trip… And so far, we are loving the location independent lifestyle!
As such, this week in Berlin, we spent a lot of time reflecting about our life on the road thus far and what the future of our trip around the world will hold. To help get us pumped for the rest of our journey, we turned to some of our favorite travel bloggers for inspiration.
Here is this weeks Best Of The Rest:
- Talon writes an honest and thought provoking story on what death has taught him about how to live. The one message here is to never to live with regret. My take away from this article is that it is important to explore your passions now, as the future is never guaranteed. I hope you find his words as inspiring as I did!
- Traveling the world as a blogger or travel writer is not all glitz and glamour. Most writers can agree that it is hard work and can consume your life on the road… And completely change how you travel. Nomadic Matt recently took an actual vacation from his life as a travel writer and reflects on how his passion is now his job. What are your thoughts on being a travel writer? Do you ever get burnt out?
- The Travel Chica is becoming my new favorite foodie travel writer. In her most recent article, she takes us through her journey of trying Congrejos (mini crabs that you eat whole) in Bolivia. I admire her sense of adventure, which I think is an important trait to have when trying new cuisines around the world. What is the most bizarre food that you have tried during your travels?
- Tony and I are ending our RTW this winter on the Hawaiian Island of Kauai, where my parents are retiring and we couldn’t be more excited. We don’t have any plans to explore other islands during this trip (except perhaps Maui), but after reading about Dave and Deb’s trip to the small island of Lanai, we may have to reconsider!
- I want more of this in my life! A hilarious and memorable article by Diana about travel in the States (Omaha to be exact)… There is so much of the US to see, but I feel like most Americans overlook it when thinking of long-term travel (us included). Maybe next year we will do a tour of the US… by RV perhaps?
- “There is no excuse to skip your workouts when you travel.” So true, Caroline! I personally am a big fan of Pinterest workouts on the road. You Pinterest your favorite no-gym workouts found online, then when you want to workout, you have a big board full of different and interesting workouts. Try it out!
- Gratuitous shots of Turkish meat… and no that is not a euphemism! Akila gives us an unbelievably interesting and drool-worthy account of meat in Turkey along with its historical significance. We had such a good time in turkey last month and already miss the wonderful meat options!
Exhausted from traveling every week as a Business Management Consultant early in my career, I took a year off in 2012 to travel at my own pace. I am a high-energy girl that loves being active, eating food, drinking wine, and exploring the world with my partner-in-crime (and husband), Tony! I now reside in Portland, Oregon and continue to write about travel, food, wine, and the awesome adventures we have in the Pacific NW!
Aw, thanks guys!
I think that reading other travel bloggers who write a lot about food has increased my adventurousness and desire to eat everything (almost) that this world has to offer (at least once).
I completely agree. Although after reading all your posts of the cuisine in Buenos Aires, I was so shocked to see how much good eats we missed! Guess I will just have to go back
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