We are about a month and a half into our travels and having an unbelievable experience. As our trip progresses, the desire to turn world travel into a lifelong adventure becomes more and more intense. I have no idea yet how Tony and I are going to personally achieve this lifestyle, but I am learning from other travel bloggers along the way. Here were some helpful (and entertaining) articles from this past week:
- Tony and I typically do not do anything crazy for Valentine’s Day back in the states (it’s a Hallmark holiday afterall, right?!) but we thought it was pretty cool to be spending this romantic day in Buenos Aires of all places. Having said this, we decided to take each other out on a date night for some famous Argentinean steak. When travelling long term as a couple, it is important to treat each other special once in awhile. Want more tips on keeping the relationship fresh on the road? Four Jandals has you covered.
- Want to travel for a month to Grenada, St Martin, and the BVIs for under $600 (all in)? Or what about traveling full time for $17,000 a year? If this sounds like the dream life, Nora offers up some great tips on how you can make it a reality.
- Tony and I recently went on food tour in Buenos Aires and had an absolute blast. Taking a food tour was such a great way for us to learn about the culinary history and traditions of the region. I also would love to take a cooking class sometime during our RTW trip. When we make it to Thailand this summer, I might have to check out a Time for Lime course on the island of Koh Lanta. Jess’ experience sounds amazing… What a way to spend a day at the beach!
- Matt shares a great post on Five Things I Wish I Knew About Travel When I Was Young and Stupid. What are some things you learned while travelling? The one thing I can relate to on Matt’s list is that you can’t do it all. Being on our journey, Tony and I have realized how much there is to see… And our time and money will not allow for us to visit every cool destination on the planet. For example, we just had to make the tough decision to forego Iguazu Falls while in Argentina. But that just gives us a reason to come back to Aregtina later in life!
- We might also have to forego Australia this year, depending on how expensive it is to travel there. But it would be really sad to miss out on all the great surfing the country has to offer… Tear!
- What’s Mike’s recipe for a kickass dinner party in China? Ordering double the amount of food you could possibly eat and triple the amount of beers you could possibly drink… Not sure about you, but this sounds like a guy I want to rage with.
- It’s a little over a month into our trip and we are way over our intended budget. Travel Dudes has some great tips though on how you can travel for free… Tony and I definitely need to get on some of these gigs.
- Hooray to Kim and Brian for reaching their RTW savings goal! It is such a good feeling… Although with all the fun we have been having abroad, I wished I would have saved more!
- We recently started a Hostel Cooking 101 series on our blog and I am thinking Côte de Bœuf might be an excellent dish (i.e. it requires few ingredients and is quick to whip up) to make in Buenos Aires, where the meat is sooo darn good. It might be a stretch (and I might royally eff it up), but I am ready to get aggressive with my experimentations!
- Once our trip is over with, we will have to decide where to live back in the states. Chicago wasn’t originally on our list but after reading about taco pizza in Chi-Town, I may have to re-consider. Priorities.
Exhausted from traveling every week as a Business Management Consultant early in my career, I took a year off in 2012 to travel at my own pace. I am a high-energy girl that loves being active, eating food, drinking wine, and exploring the world with my partner-in-crime (and husband), Tony! I now reside in Portland, Oregon and continue to write about travel, food, wine, and the awesome adventures we have in the Pacific NW!
Thanks for highlighting these posts – there are some awesome reads in your selection that I hadn’t found yet! And thanks for including our post
Thanks Dani! I am glad you enjoyed reading these. I recently came across your blog and loved your’s and Jessica’s story. I look forward to following along and including more of your articles in our weekly roundups!
thanks for the super sweet taco pizza shout <3
i think it is wonderful yall incorporated some Argentinian flavor into your v-day celebration! id love to try some of their famous steak while in the country itself! reading your blog has me yearning and yearning to make it to s.america!
You’re welcome Megan! It was a great v-day and the food down here is so amazing. It is alone worth the visit to South America. Reading your post on Chicago and the Taco Pizza actually reminded me of some Chilaquiles I had in Santiago…I am obsessed! I have attached a recipe.
Awesome! Thanks for including us. We are so pumped to have reached our savings goal!!!
It is such a huge milestone – congrats! It felt so good when we hit ours… Now we just need to stick to our budget on the road! South America has been more a lot more expensive than we initially thought but we are hoping Southeast Asia balances us out. It’s all about thinking long term! haha
Thanks for the link love! I was pleasantly surprised at my ability to set foot in three countries in January for less than $600 all in. Happy travels….
I am very impressed! My husband and I honeymooned down in the BVI’s (Virgin Gorda) back in 2010 and it was actually on that trip that we got the idea to take a year off to travel RTW. There were so many people travelling the world on the cheap by working as crew on the sailboats. It was so inspiring and we wanted a piece of that lifestyle. I am really glad that you were able to volunteer on a boat with no sailing experience… I am in that boat too (pun intended!) and it gives me hope that I can do it too
After you return to the states, you should think about settling down on the west coast or on the nation’s 50th state. Great sights, things to do, fabulous food and beverages are bountiful in all of these areas! Your travels sound amazing – carry on!
OoO Hawaii would be amazing. We have plans to visit at the end of the year but they may fall through if our housing arrangement lets us down. Shame, because I would love to learn more about the Islands to better make my decision 😉
Thanks for sharing this great list of posts.
Thanks Mike! I just read your Best and Worst for 2011 article and laughed my ass off. We look forward to following you two in 2012!
Glad you enjoyed our couples travel tips
We loved them and I couldn’t of come up with a better list if I tried! We look forward to following your journey
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