I am sitting here at work writing this article and thinking about how tough these next 7 months are going to be… I am so excited for our trip around the world that the remaining days in the office are just going to DRAG by! These articles from our most beloved travel bloggers sure do not help tame my excitement:
- This post from Adventurous Kate made me crack up. I know what it’s like to be star-struck by a celebrity look-alike…Afterall, I did marry Jon Hamm’s Doopelganger!
- The Aussie Nomad discusses exactly why he doesn’t pre-book his travels… I couldn’t agree with him more and this is the mindset that Tony and I are going to have when we begin our journey.
- Ohhh how badly I want to go to Paris… If only we could afford living there for an extended period of time during our travels! Any tips?
- My worst nightmare for next year.
- Who do you think would win in an Irish Car Bomb Race: Michelle or Barack? My money is on Michelle!
- This article from 2 Backpackers was really tough to read/watch while sitting in my cubicle at work today
- I heard rumors that London is not known for its food… A Lady in London proves that these rumors are incorrect!
- Mongol Rally sounds insane/amazing and I am excited to hear all about Dave and Deb’s experiences during their journey. It sounds like they are dominating their to-do list to prepare for the adventure… something Tony and I need to improve on as our big trip also approaches!
- This article from theprofessionalhobo was such a touching read for me and I truly enjoyed it. I am a huge fan of LOVE! Nora, best of luck in the future… Wherever your head and heart may take you!
- I cannot wait to meet the people that will shape our adventures on the road… Great article Matt!
- Tony and I are taking our first Bikram Yoga class together today (yikes!), so this was a very fitting read.
- Bungee jumping off of the Victoria Falls Bridge – Insane/Ballsy/INCREDIBLE!
Exhausted from traveling every week as a Business Management Consultant early in my career, I took a year off in 2012 to travel at my own pace. I am a high-energy girl that loves being active, eating food, drinking wine, and exploring the world with my partner-in-crime (and husband), Tony! I now reside in Portland, Oregon and continue to write about travel, food, wine, and the awesome adventures we have in the Pacific NW!
Thanks for including my post in your list! Glad you liked it.
You’re welcome! Tony and I have become addicted to re-runs of Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations, so I cannot wait to try out all the global cuisines when we begin our journey!
Aw…..thanks for the mention and the kind words! I’m rooting for you and your upcoming trip! Make sure you drop me a line once you’re on the road: I’d love for you to submit to my popular week-in-the-life series! Cheers…Nora
Thanks Nora! We will certainly keep in touch and continue to read your blog for helpful tips as we prepare for our trip. I just read some of your week-in-the-life posts and Tony and I would love to be involved with this as we begin our travels…I imagine an inexperienced, vagabonding married couple will equate to some entertaining experiences worth sharing!
Thanks for the mentions, although the bungee jumping is one thig I’m happy to leave to other travellers
haha Tony feels the same way about his sky diving experience in Interlaken. He is glad he got the courage to do it, but its something he never feels the need to try again.
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