It’s been almost two years since we finished our around the world trip. While we haven’t stopped traveling, our pace has definitely slowed down. I don’t think we’ll ever top 14 countries in one year! This site has grown a lot since we started writing on it and even more since we finished our trip, so we […]

The “Cliff Notes” Version The mountains and woods of California. Portland, Oregon. Cincinnati, Chicago, & financial freedom. That’s the shortest possible summary of our life to date, so let me explain just a bit more… The Mountains And Woods Of California We touched on this occasionally (but even then only briefly) over the past year, […]

Hey team… We love you. We really do. Which is why we need your help! We want to make sure we are constantly improving and providing not only useful, but super interesting content to you on a consistent basis. In order to do this, we sweetly ask that you take 1 minute to fill out […]

Big holidays are easy to remember and provide a great yardstick for me to measure my life. I might not remember where I was April 18th, but I can pretty easily list off where I was the last few July 4th’s (American Independence Day): Last July 4th, Meg and I were in Berlin. The 4th […]

You might not say it to our faces… but we still know you’re saying it! If you follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, SwingingTravelers.com, or any of the other social sites we are on, then you might be wondering where we are based off of all the highway pictures. While we still might be […]

OK people… confession time. We have noticed it. You have definitely noticed it. And we promise to be better. I’m talking about the onslaught of sponsored activities we have gone on in the last few months and all of the articles they have generated. Our sponsored articles are generally written about fun activities, but also […]

We Want To Hear From You! In case you haven’t been constantly following our Facebook page (and really, why aren’t you?), we recently had a big guest post along with a hard-hitting interview go live. Could you take 5 minutes to help us with these? #1 Need Comments On Our Big Guest Post Please check […]

This picture is the embodiment of all-things-ridiculous… cold, tired, and happy We know a lot of you are either: Working in jobs you don’t like and dreaming about doing something different OR Trying to start your own business and struggling with the uncertainty and stress that it involves We are currently working hard to make […]