We don’t want to hear your dark dirty secrets, only your travel confession! Caroline and Josh from Traveling 9 to 5 recently started an entertaining chain for travel writers to participate in to share their quirky travel confessions with the rest of us: Whether it’s a routine that gets you through long travel days, a […]

We have had several people close to us get engaged or married in the past few months, which led to a discussion of our big day and honeymoon back in April 2010. With love in the air, we thought we’d share a series of articles Meg wrote last year about how we saved money on […]

Point A: Your Current Life – Everyday between (and sometimes during) meetings, you dream about being your own boss, living somewhere exotic, and actually enjoying enjoying work. Point C: Your Dreams – You’re typing an inspiring article about why everyone needs to be a digital nomad (like you) as you watch the sun fall beneath […]
Ohhhh, baby. What a whirlwind! After a double red-eye starting on April 6th (back-to-back red-eye flights), we arrived in Paris on April 8th. Goodbye South America! Between the 30 hours of travel followed by all that Paris has to offer and celebrating our 2-yr wedding anniversary no less… our posts have been a little slow […]

March is National Kidney Month and has inspired me to share one of my major reasons for traveling. Read on to learn more about me and hopefully steal a little inspiration as well. Working your ass off and retiring with oodles of cash at 65 is a good goal, if a little traditional. So don’t […]
photo credit: 53 mm photogRaphy On this day of love, what better way to celebrate V-Day than thanking you… our tremendous readers, tweeters, and commenters. Just in January, we climbed mountains in Patagonia, traipsed all over Santiago hunting for the best food, and even stared in awe at a 150 foot wall of ice. We […]

I was tagged by Hannah at Further Bound (thanks Hannah!) to take part in this fun chain letter style challenge. Originally started by Christine in Spain, this is a fun A-Z survey to get to know the travel secrets of our favorite travel bloggers. If you’re chosen, fill it out and choose 5 travel bloggers you […]

After the feasting and thanking last week, it got me to thinking. When it comes to our RTW adventure, I have a lot of be thankful for: There is the support from our families, who have had no issue with either of us quitting our jobs (or taking a sabbatical) in order to indulge our […]