The Basics Of Dealing With Money While Traveling If you’re anything like me, trying to figure out how you are going to travel with money is a headache. When we were planning our around the world trip, worst case scenarios easily flashed in front of me. I wondered what I would do in a foreign country if I lost my wallet, got my credit card stolen, or […]

Over 1 year before we quit our jobs, we knew we were going to travel around the world for an entire year. Other people who have done something similar spend their prep time travel hacking and trying to rack up as many miles and points as possible. Did we? Nope! Because of Meg’s job as […]

Tony and I traveled around the world for an ENTIRE year in 2012 each carrying 32 Litre backpacks. I’m just gonna say it… We totally nailed the whole “packing light” concept Let’s face it, checking a bag sucks. You have to get to the airport early to get your bag checked into the flight, you […]

Check out the bottom of this post for my complete PACKING LIST for the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu 4 day / 3 night hike! After our Inca Trail hike last March, I wrote a post on tips for hiking the Inca Trail… But little did I know that people had WAY more questions than I had answers. […]

Is getting work done possible while traveling? Between the constant moves between cities and irregular schedule, how can you get anything done? Yes you can and the “how” of it is pretty simple. If you are someone who gets things done when you’re at home or at work, you will get things done when you […]

Traveling is one big test on your will power. There is so much you want to do and see. And whether you are on a tight budget or not, it is easy to stress out about your wallet on your adventures. I am here to tell you that stressing out is not the right mentality […]

Back in 2003, my sister came down with a horrible case of amebic dysentery and salmonella poisoning while she was studying abroad in Italy… Long story short, she had to be evacuated back to the states and spent weeks in the hospital recovering. As you can imagine, my mom was incredibly paranoid about my health when […]

It is our second full day in Bali. Lunch is finished, some milkshakes had just been gulped, and we’re starting in on our afternoon beers while looking out over the 8 foot waves breaking in the Bali surf. “What do you want to do tomorrow?” Meg asked. I hesitated a moment before answering. “That taxi […]