I’ve read about it, heard about it, and witnessed it. But it never happened to me… Until yesterday. What is “it?” Homesickness Many RTW travelers get it at some point on the road, but I never thought I would be a victim. I grew up being a very independent “tough cookie” (as my dad […]
It really is true. I was pickpocketed twice on the same train ride within a ten minute span. This might be because I have never been mistaken for a local, but based on all of the locals in Buenos Aires who are fearful of pickpockets, I doubt this was the case. Instead, I think I […]

You know that look other people give when you accidentally, yet very publicly, let a noxious emission slip from between two tightly clenched butt cheeks? Of course you do (don’t lie ladies… it happens at least once to everyone). Well get ready… because this is the exact same look you will get when trying to stumble […]

If you are already out there on the open road, seeing extraordinary sights and living a fantastic life, you will find what I am about to say a little (or very) silly. But if you are like me and about to travel for an extended period of time or afraid to even try… you might […]