South America holds a special place in my heart. Prior to our trip around the world in 2012, I had never visited South America, but it was the first continent we would visit on our trip. Leading up to our trip, Tony and I planned an aggressive itinerary to see as much of the continent […]

If you have traveled for any length of time, then you are bound to collect numerous tales of bathroom mishaps. From food poisoning to disgusting holes in the ground, there is always something out there that is terrible in the moment… but a great story for later. And so it is with my tale of […]

From the beginning of our RTW planning, Tony and I knew we wanted to start our journey in Santiago, Chile. From everything we read, Santiago was rumored to be safe, modern, and inexpensive. In addition, we heard fabulous things about its great weather, food scene, and friendly locals. Having just spent a large majority of […]

Maybe it was that first college class where you found the subject actually interesting and realized you wanted to learn more… Maybe you confidently walked into that party your Senior year in college and saw that cute girl across the room… Maybe it was that job interview where the interviewer and your future boss laughed […]

Scenario: I am on death row. The prison official asks me what I want for my last meal. My answer: “Oooooo anything chocolate please… and preferably in the form of ice cream. Thanks officer!” By now you probably can get an idea for how much I absolutely adore chocolate ice cream. I can eat […]

Meg enthusiastically mocks me everytime I say it, but since getting off of the plane in Punta Arenas, Chile, I can’t help but be overwhelmed by the remoteness of Patagonia… We are at the very end of the world! There, I said it. Maybe now I can try and get past it. Yeah… it’s wayyyy […]

Prior to arriving in Santiago, I did some basic research on the city and thought it was incredibly cool that the city is flanked by the Andes mountain range. I looked at the stunning pictures of Santiago online and my mind was racing with all of the great photo ops I would have available to me […]

Ladies and gentlemen, our RTW trip has officially begun! Tony and I arrived in our first destination, Santiago, two days ago and are loving the nomad lifestyle in this great city. We spent all day yesterday acting like tourists and hitting up all the must-sees of the city. We always said that we didn’t want to […]