Yellowstone in 2009. The Poconos in 2011. These were our only experiences camping as a couple and both were great, but they were car camping trips and we obviously didn’t do them very often. But ever since we moved to Portland, OR last year, one of the main goals has been to explore more of the […]

Since Tony and I finally put away our long-term travel packs and set up roots in Portland, OR, I had a weird sense of apprehension to post travel stories when we are no longer traveling internationally (yet). Pushing this apprehension aside, I decided to think outside the box and maybe, for once, talk about our […]

If you follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook then you probably know by now that we have put a pause on our world travels (for now!) and have recently setup roots in Portland, OR… and we are OBSESSED! In Portland, the food/drink scene is great, the people are overwhelmingly friendly, and there is so […]