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First… what is travel sick? The younger sibling of road weary and a first cousin to home sick, travel sick is what happens to everyone after a few months on the road. The initial excitement and momentum that propelled you out of the house initially gets blunted by the day-to-day necessities of travel: Another overnight […]

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When Tony and I were touring around Umbria, Italy for Travels Bloggers Unite (TBU) in April, I stuffed myself silly with Italian wine, pasta, cheese, gelato… You name it, I ate it!  However, once we left Italy I realized that I missed out on Italy’s most famous dish: PIZZA! I know, I know.  How silly […]

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I know what you are thinking… and NO. I have not let the past 10 days spent on a Tuscan farm go to my head and I do not now think that I’m a farmer. But WWOOFing in Italy, with limited access to a speedy internet connection, has made me slow down and think about […]

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What is it about manual labor that makes you crave a hardy breakfast? I’m talking thick slabs of bread. Eggs made easy side up with just the right amount of runniness. And don’t forget bacon. NEVER forget bacon! So why have I been craving a hardy breakfast all of a sudden? WWOOFing What the heck […]

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Stating the obvious is needed sometimes. Before you get caught up in the glamour of visiting different foreign cities every month, think hard about your enjoyment of travel itself. And not just your ability to enjoy, but to endure. Don’t fool yourself. Long term travel is one part excitement, one part enjoyment, and a whole […]

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When looking for the perfect dessert, I always default to my true love, chocolate.  But when I am on the road, I like to be adventurous with my pallet and try local dishes. This past week, Tony and I ventured to Istanbul with Tony’s parents, Jerry and Cathy.  In Turkey, chocolate is not present on […]

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Croatia was the first destination on our trip where Tony and I truly got to stay still for an extended period of time and catch up on life.  We stayed at a cute little beach apartment in the quiet town of Drasnice, where there was absolutely nothing touristy to do… It was MUCH needed! For […]

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Every weekend we write about the single greatest thing we ate in the past week. With all of our travels, it is almost always easy to pick something unique and interesting. But when we decided to spend a quiet month detoxing (from all of the delicious Umbrian meat, cheese, and wine) on the coast of […]

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