Through numerous international trips with my drinking partner in crime, Tony, I have had the privilege to sample wine from some amazing wine regions around the world: Tuscany, Mendoza, Porto, Hunter Valley, etc. But humble brags aside, I am starting to become quite fond of the wines that have been coming out of the vineyards […]

Let’s face it, we take brunch in Portland VERY seriously. We are a city full of people that do not hesitate to stand in line for two hours for the best fried chicken & waffles in town. We are also a city full of obnoxious food snobs that do not think it’s insane to pay $15 for […]

This year marked my third year attending Feast Portland — and what a crazy weekend it was! With 134 chefs, 31 wineries, 15 breweries, 11 artisans, and 12 distilleries featured, I was a very full (and admittedly buzzed) gal for four straight days. Some of the food I experienced during this extravaganza was some of the […]

Whether you are a local or have visited Portland, it’s probably no surprise when you hear that Portland has earned the reputation (for consecutive years!) as the best food city in the U.S. Don’t agree with the critics? Let the debate begin! Regardless of skeptics’ opinions on the matter, Portland (and really the entire state […]

Now that Tony and I have settled into Portland, Oregon (going on three years now!) we have made it a priority to take at least one big international vacation each year… because once you have the travel bug, it never really dies. These vacations allow us to explore countries we haven’t checked off the list, and […]

Well ladies and gentleman, it’s no surprise that Feast Portland 2016 was a pretty epic festival this past month. The 2015 festival was my first Feast experience, and this year was even better and more indulgent than last year (hard to believe). As a recap, Feast takes over the city each September for 4 legendary days and showcases […]

Shortly into our year-long trip around the world in 2012, Tony and I realized that much of the destinations we decided to visit were dictated by our stomachs. To me, there is no better way to explore a culture, learn about a city, meet new people, and engage with loved ones than through good food and […]

It’s that time of the year in the Pacific Northwest where there are Friendsgiving’s galore, our December calendar is filling up FAST with holiday parties, and everything it getting delightfully dark, rainy, and gloomy in Portland. This holiday season is leaving me to reflect on this past year in Portland. We moved to Portland in […]