1. What waiters see Every. Single. Time… they deliver your food. Meg & I love food to an insane degree. That’s beyond obvious, right? I mean, we left our jobs to travel for a year solely so we could eat everything we could find… We’re now taking that passion to the next level and starting a […]

Trader Joe’s is an amazing place. Fact. But before you start telling us the greatest items that we have to buy, you need to understand why I am writing about it and how Tony could only now have been going to his first one… Our Trader Joe’s Story As you are well aware, Tony and […]

Now that Tony and I have finished our RTW trip and are a little more settled in Northern California, we are craving to break out our kitchen gadgets and test out the Pinterest Recipes we have accumulated over the year. One of our favorite past times before our trip was cooking together – And we […]

I have a very important Breaking News story: We LOVE food. Okay, it’s not that little of a fact… it’s a HUGE fact. We love food so much that we sometimes let it dictate where we travel to. Our adventures to France, Italy, and Thailand weren’t just influenced by the history and culture of these […]

As much as I love the beautiful island of Kauai, it certainly has more than a few places that cater to tourists. After a month on the island, I was craving to go behind the curtain and explore the true local culture. And by local culture, what I really mean is the local food. I […]

Being a backpacker on a limited budget, “all you can eat” basically means “eat as much as humanly possible so you can save some money on meals later”… or maybe even skip a meal or two altogether. After countless meals of stale crackers on long bus rides through South America, whenever heaps and heaps of […]

I remember watching My Best Friend’s Wedding when I was 13 years old and thinking that Julia Roberts character, Julianne, had the best career ever. The opening scene showed her in a fancy restaurant in Chicago nibbling on a variety of mouth watering dishes as an esteemed food critic. As soon as I saw this […]

Tony and I spent this past month on the Thai island of Koh Samui, house-sitting a beautiful luxury villa and taking care of some amazing German Shepherd dogs. But when we weren’t playing with the pups at the beach, we were checking out some great dining spots on the island that were participating in the […]