Photo Credit via Feast Portland I recently wrote on our favorite places to dine in Portland, but I know Tony and I have only scratched the surface of the food scene here. And this became even more paramount after indulging (a little too much) at the four-day Feast Portland extravaganza. At Feast, culinary giants from all over […]

“Food is a central activity of mankind and one of the single most significant trademarks of a culture.” -Mark Kurlansky It’s no surprise that Tony and I base our travel (and life) decisions primarily on food. If a city or country isn’t known for it’s vibrant food scene, it’s probably not my scene, period. These are […]

Since Tony and I finally put away our long-term travel packs and set up roots in Portland, OR, I had a weird sense of apprehension to post travel stories when we are no longer traveling internationally (yet). Pushing this apprehension aside, I decided to think outside the box and maybe, for once, talk about our […]

@landingstanding July 26th marked our first day as Portland residents – and since then it has been a whirlwind to say the least! Prior to moving here, we heard so many great things from friends and family about the city… the food, the outdoors, the people, etc. But one common theme we kept hearing about […]

1. What waiters see Every. Single. Time… they deliver your food. Meg & I love food to an insane degree. That’s beyond obvious, right? I mean, we left our jobs to travel for a year solely so we could eat everything we could find… We’re now taking that passion to the next level and starting a […]

Tony and I just started our summer gig petsitting in the Sierra Nevada Mountains (California) on a beautiful 20-acre ranch complete with 4 pups, 2 wild horses, 2 cats, internet, and incredible scenery. But besides spending our days working on building our empire, running the nearby hiking trails, and playing with the animals, there isn’t […]

Now that Tony and I have finished our RTW trip and are a little more settled in Northern California, we are craving to break out our kitchen gadgets and test out the Pinterest Recipes we have accumulated over the year. One of our favorite past times before our trip was cooking together – And we […]

It’s embarrassing for me to admit this but when people ask what I missed the most from the states when traveling around the world in 2012, my answer is always: My kitchen! It was a LONG year without my homemade Pecan Pie! Yes, I love food so this is no big surprise… but what I […]