Point A: Your Current Life – Everyday between (and sometimes during) meetings, you dream about being your own boss, living somewhere exotic, and actually enjoying enjoying work. Point C: Your Dreams – You’re typing an inspiring article about why everyone needs to be a digital nomad (like you) as you watch the sun fall beneath […]

Aren’t we all still trying to please our bosses, counting down the days to the weekend, and kissing ass at every client meeting? What has really changed from the days of Mad Men besides the clothes and cars? I started watching Mad Men when I was still wearing a suit and hoping for a good […]

…And Just Maybe Have A Job When You Return The job market is brutal right now and it doesn’t look like it is getting better in the near future. What a time to quit a good job!But guess what? There is never a perfect time to do anything. Always keep chasing the things that make […]

“Go as far as you can see; when you get there you’ll be able to see farther.” ~ Thomas Carlyle Ever since I got my sabbatical approved at work, my co-workers keep on asking me: “do you honestly think you will come back to work at the end of your trip?” My 9-5 answer: “Of […]
When it comes to getting my way, I have found my notorious puppy-pout to be my most valuable weapon. If there were ever a sport for this trait, I would be the Muhammad Ali of pouting. This (along with my irresistible wit, charm and humility) is just one of the many reasons why Tony can […]

It is too often that we talk ourselves out of something before we talk ourselves into it: “I shouldn’t eat that piece of cake”, “I shouldn’t by that car”…the list goes on. I went through this same mindset when the idea of taking a sabbatical to travel the world first crossed my mind. When the […]