Fish in a hostel?! Are these LandingStanding people crazy?! Yes, maybe. Fish can be intimidating to cook, right? It’s delicate and easy to destroy if you cook it for just one tiny minute too many. So why in the world would we attempt to cook it in a hostel? And how? Simplicity is how. This […]

Ahhh, Pasta. The foundation of every cheap backpacker’s menu. But don’t worry… this is not just a simple pasta recipe. Because everyone knows how to make pasta right? WRONG! Whether on the road or comfy in your own kitchen, there is such a thing as making bad pasta. And you know what? You probably are. How […]

Tony and I cooked this meal in our hostel after an exhausting day of hiking in Patagonia. The mixture of brown rice, veggies, and sausage was the perfect combo to revive our tired bodies – and fill our grumbling stomachs. We love our spicy food so the added hot sauce gave this dish the extra […]