With our recent move to Portland, Tony and I are loving the ability to kick our feet back, explore our new hometown, and to finally setup some roots after being on the road for almost two years. As much as we are loving being homebodies right now, the one thing that we miss from our […]

You know from our weekly traveling foodie newsletter (BellyHustle), that we are obsessed with food. From our experiences in many different countries, we know that food can be so much more than just what we use to fulfill our hunger. It is an expression of individuality, character, and even of an entire culture. These are […]

For the entire year of 2012, Tony and I traveled the world without a plan. Beyond our airline tickets (that we bought a few weeks in advance of our desired travel dates) and the occasional hotel room booked out, we explored the globe not knowing what came next. It was liberating and thrilling… But […]

“For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope […]

Is getting work done possible while traveling? Between the constant moves between cities and irregular schedule, how can you get anything done? Yes you can and the “how” of it is pretty simple. If you are someone who gets things done when you’re at home or at work, you will get things done when you […]

A common thing we hear from people who learn about our travels is that they envy us and wish they could do what we are doing. This sentiment always gives me two thoughts: “It really isn’t that hard. All you have to do is leave your job and travel for a year with no fixed […]

We don’t do a lot of shop talk on the site, but we do hear from enough new travel bloggers out there to know that people are curious as to how blogging might help them travel better. The problem is, many people start blogs and quickly (or eventually) get frustrated/bored with the whole process and […]

Juuuust kidding…. Sorry mom. Snuggling my nephew, Maddox, is the closest I will get to having a baby for a while! But being able to say this phrase would save me so much hassle… And I realized this last week when Tony and I grabbed a pre-dinner drink at a bar in Boston. Here is […]