In preparing for our RTW trip in January, Tony and I are excited to toss all of our stuff and scale our lives down to one backpack each. Sure, a few tears might be shed when I have to give up my shoe collection and the 100+ tops that I have been known to color […]

Tony and I are soon going to be approaching the 6 month mark until our big trip…Naturally, the Type A planner inside me is screaming “we NEED to get stuff done!” I decided to take a look yesterday at our handy To Do list and realized that we still haven’t researched what shots/medicine might be […]

This past weekend, Tony and I realized that this year is going to fly by (like they always do) and within no-time, we are going to be packing our bags to begin our journey. With that in mind, we decided to start checking things off of our to-do list. First Action: Updating My Passport Tony’s […]