And so Meg’s Wedding trilogy comes to an end… It’s been fun sharing our thoughts on how to have a great wedding that is a little less conventional than most. But the best part of our less expensive and super fun wedding was the extra money we had for one kick-ass honeymoon. Live it up […]

Today we’re continuing a look through Meg’s classic series on how to have a kick-ass wedding while also saving for an around the world trip. Meg dominated our wedding planning and highlights 5 ways she was able to save big for the big day. Have you already tried any of her methods for your big […]

We have had several people close to us get engaged or married in the past few months, which led to a discussion of our big day and honeymoon back in April 2010. With love in the air, we thought we’d share a series of articles Meg wrote last year about how we saved money on […]

“Don’t worry about how much it costs to live in Western Europe. Air travel is so cheap and easy!” How many naive backpackers have uttered this phrase? Have you? I sure did. But then you actually go ahead, book that “cheap flight” for the first time on Ryanair, and see it isn’t quite so easy. […]

We asked last Monday. You answered all week. And now we have the winner of our $50 in Roomorama credit. The Question Where will you use your $50 of Roomorama credit and who is the one person (living or dead) that you would want to go with you? The Winning Answer @benwebb1: 1950s PR […]

Mickey D’s, McD’s, and to our Australian Friends… Mackers. Whatever you want to call it, McDonald’s is the Magneto of fast food chains. The Super-villain extraordanaire… and for good reason. But have you been lately? We sure hadn’t. But only6 blocks down the road from our family-stay in Lima, Peru is a newly renovated McDonald’s […]
photo credit: unruly chaffinch I have been saving money since I graduated college. Well before our RTW adventure had even been dreamt of I was saving because I knew that money in the bank gave me freedom. Freedom to spend money on the things that were important to me. Freedom to eat incredible food at […]

You would not believe the amount of “wow you must be rich!” comments I got from people back in the states when I told them about our RTW trip. Well, I hate to disappoint people but Tony and I are anything but. We have been able to afford this trip because we were diligent with […]