We don’t do a lot of shop talk on the site, but we do hear from enough new travel bloggers out there to know that people are curious as to how blogging might help them travel better. The problem is, many people start blogs and quickly (or eventually) get frustrated/bored with the whole process and […]

If there is one lesson in my life that gets proven true over and over, it is this: “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.” – Amelia Earhart I have made a lot of major decisions in the past year: Quitting my corporate finance job, setting-off to travel […]

It has been 3 months since we told you about our grand plans to document our successes (and epic failures) in our attempts to start up a business while traveling. Our goal is to not only generate enough monthly income in the next 12 months to free ourselves from the corporate life, but to also […]

Starting a business is… Finish that sentence with any descriptive adjective you wish: hard, fun, rewarding, exhilarating, nerve-wracking, tear-inducing. With so much needed to be accomplished by a startup team, cutting through all of the noise to figure out where to best spend their time and resources can be daunting. Success is determined by how […]

Berlin has all of the ingredients of a dynamic entrepreneurial city and is fast using those ingredients to generate some really interesting startups. Given our love of startup culture and passion for travel, Berlin was the perfect mix of locals and expats all working on creating something new. Berlin is already being discussed as the […]

If you are being brutally honest, do you consider yourself a glass half full person or a glass half empty person? I personally have always been a glass half full kind of gal. But when I am looking at the rest of our trip, I am noticing that, regardless of whether or not the glass […]

I know what you are thinking… and NO. I have not let the past 10 days spent on a Tuscan farm go to my head and I do not now think that I’m a farmer. But WWOOFing in Italy, with limited access to a speedy internet connection, has made me slow down and think about […]

There are three things I know: There is no crying in baseball There are no bad ideas in brainstorming If you combine brainstorming and crying, then you might want to take a baseball bat to your brainstorming partner Okay that last statement was fairly aggressive and uncalled for… but the takeaway here is that a […]