South America holds a special place in my heart. Prior to our trip around the world in 2012, I had never visited South America, but it was the first continent we would visit on our trip. Leading up to our trip, Tony and I planned an aggressive itinerary to see as much of the continent […]

Yellowstone in 2009. The Poconos in 2011. These were our only experiences camping as a couple and both were great, but they were car camping trips and we obviously didn’t do them very often. But ever since we moved to Portland, OR last year, one of the main goals has been to explore more of the […]

If you follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook then you probably know by now that we have put a pause on our world travels (for now!) and have recently setup roots in Portland, OR… and we are OBSESSED! In Portland, the food/drink scene is great, the people are overwhelmingly friendly, and there is so […]

It’s been almost two years since we finished our around the world trip. While we haven’t stopped traveling, our pace has definitely slowed down. I don’t think we’ll ever top 14 countries in one year! This site has grown a lot since we started writing on it and even more since we finished our trip, so we […]

Before I begin our story, I want to apologize for our recent lack of posts on LandingStanding. The past month has been incredibly insane and wonderful all at the same time as we drove our Camry (aka Little Blue) across the US visiting friends and family along the way. Between all of the dinners out […]

Welcome to Mount Fitz-Roy, stretching high above the tiny town of El Chalten, Argentina and offering some of the best hiking in Patagonia. This town was first established in 1985 for the sole purpose of aiding in a border dispute with Chile. Since then, it has become the base for backpacking day-hikers and some of […]

“The world is not as dangerous as you think,” was a common refrain from us when talking to our friends and family back in the states. This is COMPLETELY true… for the most part… most of the time. The only place on our travels where we ever felt aggressively unsafe was La Paz, Bolivia, one […]

We try our best to travel modestly and be budget-conscious 90% of the time. But we also are true believers in conscious spending. In other words, we like to prioritize how we spend our money. If we can save money where we can, then we can splurge on things that we place at a high […]