Yellowstone in 2009. The Poconos in 2011. These were our only experiences camping as a couple and both were great, but they were car camping trips and we obviously didn’t do them very often. But ever since we moved to Portland, OR last year, one of the main goals has been to explore more of the […]

Just imagine yourself checking out of your hostel in Barcelona and dashing a 1/2 a mile in a mad rush to catch your train to Paris. Exhausting right? Now imagine doing this with 75 lbs on your back… Yes, I have witnessed this self-inflicted torture in action. The solution: Pack lighter! Trust me, your shoulders & back […]

Now this topic might not be the sexiest of travel problems, but it is definitely the one that made me curse the most whenever we were running late and I was trying to solve the jigsaw puzzle that was my backpack. Meg never fully appreciated my difficulty in packing size 13 shoes for travel until she saw […]

There is a lot of travel advice and tips that work for both couples and solo travelers. But there are some advantages that only work when traveling as a couple, including being able to split your gear between two bags. That’s why this IceMule Cooler gets our recommendation as a great piece of outdoor travel gear for […]