Shortly into our year-long trip around the world in 2012, Tony and I realized that much of the destinations we decided to visit were dictated by our stomachs. To me, there is no better way to explore a culture, learn about a city, meet new people, and engage with loved ones than through good food and […]

Whether it’s celebrity gossip, the Cronut movement, or the newest smart phone (yes, Tony still has a flip phone), we are known for being late to the game on things… But as a traveling couple that loves exploring cheap ways to travel, one wave that we need to hop ASAP on is Travel Hacking. What is […]

Throughout our journey we have stayed in a plethora of accommodations. In South America, we were fresh into our RTW trip and trying to embrace the “true backpacker lifestyle”. To save a few extra bucks, we would cram ourselves into shared dorm rooms at hostels… But we soon realized that privacy was an amenity worth […]

Berlin has all of the ingredients of a dynamic entrepreneurial city and is fast using those ingredients to generate some really interesting startups. Given our love of startup culture and passion for travel, Berlin was the perfect mix of locals and expats all working on creating something new. Berlin is already being discussed as the […]

My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am. ~Author Unknown I not only love this quote because I desperately want a dog, but because it demonstrates that people are inherently good. Back in the States, I was always shy when it came down to reaching […]

We asked last Monday. You answered all week. And now we have the winner of our $50 in Roomorama credit. The Question Where will you use your $50 of Roomorama credit and who is the one person (living or dead) that you would want to go with you? The Winning Answer @benwebb1: 1950s PR […]

We have partnered with Roomorama (feel free to explore their room finder on the lower right of our site) to give away $50 of Roomorama credit. This is a bit of an experiment for us, but we liked the idea of being able to give something to you after all of the great advice you […]

We recently arrived in the gorgeous Cusco, Peru where we will be for 8 days before our epic hike of Machu Picchu. Our plan over the next 8 days will be to relax and prepare ourselves for the trek of a lifetime, while also exploring all the great sights that Cusco (the historic capital of […]