I love books. Always have. I trace my passion for them to two separate, yet equally formative, experiences in my childhood: 1) My childhood insomnia that drove my mom to near insanity trying to get me to sleep, but also resulted in her pushing me enthusiastically towards using books as a means to cope… AND […]

On September 16th, I wrote an article on my favorite travel couples around the globe. This article was so fun to develop because I could really relate to these bloggers, as Tony and I are beginning our RTW journey together in January. However, as I was writing this article, I realized that travel couples are not […]

Jason & Aracely from 2Backpackers recently created a list on their Twitter account of all the great blogging travel couples. Many of these couples I already knew about, while others came as a delightful surprise to me as I was scrolling through the list. It was then that I realized how many unique couples are […]