There is a lot of travel advice and tips that work for both couples and solo travelers. But there are some advantages that only work when traveling as a couple, including being able to split your gear between two bags. That’s why this IceMule Cooler gets our recommendation as a great piece of outdoor travel gear for couples.
Why A Backpack Cooler Is Perfect For Us
We’ve been housesitting in the Sierra Nevada’s and are surrounded by wilderness. So one thing we love to do is take a long hikes and go exploring.
Obviously a key part of any great hike is the picnic spread you bring… right? But this usually involves us trying to pack some ice bags in our backpack and figuring out ways to make sure they don’t leak. Because what’s a great picnic on a hike without some ice cold beer… I mean water
There is also a beautiful river near where we are that has a small beach that is perfect for an afternoon read. But carrying a hand-held cooler full of ice, drinks, and food the half mile to the beach is incredibly awkward as it bangs against my knees. That’s why this backpack cooler from IceMule has been pretty sweet.
We tried out the X-Large because at 30 liters, it pretty much holds enough drink and food for a small group to party for hours. But it also has a roll top that let’s me shrink it down when it’s just Meg and I going out for a stroll.
So why are we recommending this for traveling couples?
Part of our traveling adventures include camping and hiking trips. A cooler like this would let us pack it full of food and beverages while our other backpack can carry regular supplies. The benefit of traveling as a couple is being able to split up some of the gear responsibilities, so a backpack that is a cooler works superbly well.
And if you’re not a big hiker or camper? Well you must like the beach right… Who doesn’t like the beach? This backpack is awesome for any beach vacation. Imagine having two hands free for the chairs and umbrellas…
What Do You Think?
Would you use this type of cooler more on a hiking/camping trip or at the beach? Tell us in the comments!
P.S. Would you like more travel gear reviews specifically for couples? Is there anything that you’d recommend?
Disclosure of Material Connection: We received this IceMule Cooler for free from IceMule as coordinated by Deep Creek Public Relations in consideration for review publication. All opinions are our own, uncensored, and honest.
Tony, what an awesome idea and product. This would also be great for beach vacations where you struggle to get a cooler full of drinks and food to the beach. Especially when you have young children who can barely manage to carry their own castle building tools. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Jerry! We thought it was worth sharing with everyone since it was a novel way to handle a cooler… at least to us! Definitely great for a beach vacay
This feels more like Advertisement to me, then a Landing Standing post. Even if I appreciate the full disclosure I unsubscribed directly. Sorry – you really lost my trust.
No worries, Chris! As part of our renewed focus on traveling couples, we’ll be reviewing more gear in the future that can specifically help couples. If it ain’t for you, it ain’t for you
I totally want one of these for the beach! This would be perfect for those long days spent on the beach in Hawaii 😉
We’ve already bookmarked this bag as our “beach bag”… it’s going to hold so much beer and food (maybe even water) for us while we’re surfing in Hawaii this year!
Love this idea
Though I’m normally a fan of letting my other half carry everything, and splitting things in two would suggest I would have to take some too!
Ha! Sounds like Meg
Although because this bag lets you more easily truck in beers and food to wherever you are hiking/beaching, I thing Meg might sacrifice carrying her own bag for a bit… Maybe!
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