Just like home is where the heart is, the holidays are where the heart is. Traveling back to your hometown for the holidays to see your loved ones is awesome…. but it can be expensive and downright exhausting. If you don’t believe me, just try catching a connecting flight in the JFK airport on the Wednesday […]

“You should meet us in Berlin.” We had hung out a few times in Buenos Aires and had instantly bonded over our passion for business. But were we really going to change our travel plans to meet up with this couple in Berlin a few months later? Of course we were. “You’re totally invited to Hawaii […]

When we were traveling in 2012, I was big on creating dining guides for some of the international cities we jaunted in. But since settling down back in the U.S., these guides have fallen to the wayside… But that’s all about to change! With my folks living in Kauai (we’re vacationing there as we speak!), […]

In 2012, we traveled outside of the US for an entire year. Our experiences were our own, but there were some universal lessons learned that every longterm traveler knows. If you haven’t traveled longterm, you might recognize these lessons as well. But nothing brings them into more clarity than seeing them at work for 12 straight […]

If you follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook then you probably know by now that we have put a pause on our world travels (for now!) and have recently setup roots in Portland, OR… and we are OBSESSED! In Portland, the food/drink scene is great, the people are overwhelmingly friendly, and there is so […]

Now this topic might not be the sexiest of travel problems, but it is definitely the one that made me curse the most whenever we were running late and I was trying to solve the jigsaw puzzle that was my backpack. Meg never fully appreciated my difficulty in packing size 13 shoes for travel until she saw […]

It’s been a couple years since our RTW trip (how time flies!), but I continually get emails from both strangers and friends looking for travel tips as they gear up for long-term travel. “What should I pack?” “Where should I go?” “Should I be worried about getting sick on the road?” So, to help break […]

It’s been almost two years since we finished our around the world trip. While we haven’t stopped traveling, our pace has definitely slowed down. I don’t think we’ll ever top 14 countries in one year! This site has grown a lot since we started writing on it and even more since we finished our trip, so we […]