Considering that Tony and I are travelling with 32 liter backpacks for our year-long trip around the world, I would say that we did a pretty AWESOME job packing.

However, there were several things that I didn’t think I would need for our travels… Until I got on the road. These items below have been my lifesavers multiple times during our RTW trip and should be packed IMMEDIATELY in your bag as well!
Note: Some of this list applies specifically to female travelers, but I will make sure Tony follows up with an article on what the fellas need to pack for a RTW trip!
Here are the 7 Essential Thing To Pack On Your RTW Journey:
Scarf –

It is light, easy to pack (you can even wear it en-route to save space in your bag), keeps you warm, and can dress up any outfit. All of my travel clothes are solid colors (versatility is key with a travel wardrobe!) and a scarf gives my outfit a little pop when combined with a plain black shirt.
Sundress –

I only packed one dress at the beginning of our journey, but shortly into our stay in Santiago, Chile where it was 80 degrees everyday, I was DYING for another dress. They barely take up any room in your suitcase, are super light, comfy, and cute… Plus, they are incredibly suitable for strolls through a foreign city on a hot day.
Jeans –

When I originally began packing for my trip, I thought bringing jeans was a horrible idea… Boy was I wrong! Even though they may take up a little more room in your backpack, they are comfy (especially jeggings for the ladies!), can be worn for days/weeks without washing, and class up any outfit. Trust me, you do not want to roll up to a bar in Buenos Aires in your “practical” convertible hiking pants.
If there is anything I learned from other backpackers, it is to NOT dress like a tourist when traveling. To avoid being targeted in a foreign city, you should dress like you would back home. Jeans will definitely help you blend into the crowd!
Hot sauce –

You can buy this stuff at almost any grocery store on the road, but this little jar of awesomesauce is a lifesaver! It gives a little kick to any meal you whip in your apartment rental or hostel kitchen. And if a dish at a restaurant is a little bland, you can sneak some on that sucker when the waiter isn’t looking!
Peanut Butter –

This was my staple back home and on the rare occasions I spot PB at a grocery store overseas, I go nuts… Pun intended! It spruces up stale bread at your hostel’s breakfast, can be spread on apples or crackers, or just taken directly to the face for a nutritious protein boost during your travels.
Just be warned when travelling on an airline, Peanut Butter is considered a LIQUID… This oversight almost got me involved in a bitchslapping brawl with a TSA agent in Houston who spitefully confiscated my jar at security. #majorRTWsetback
The Foodie Survival Kit –
I mentioned this little tube of excellence in one of my older posts, but this kit rocks. It packs easily and has 13 different spices to choose from when cooking on the road.
Baby Wipes –

Without getting into the TMI zone, baby wipes are great to freshen up with on long overnight bus rides in South America, multi-day hikes on the Inca Trail, or whenevs you are feeling ultra-gross – And trust me: It happens a lot on the road!
Your turn: What’s are the essentials on YOUR packing list?
Exhausted from traveling every week as a Business Management Consultant early in my career, I took a year off in 2012 to travel at my own pace. I am a high-energy girl that loves being active, eating food, drinking wine, and exploring the world with my partner-in-crime (and husband), Tony! I now reside in Portland, Oregon and continue to write about travel, food, wine, and the awesome adventures we have in the Pacific NW!
I love that almost half your list is food. I’d expect nothing less from you two!
haha you know it. That peanut butter saved my life in Bolivia!
I need a foodie survival kit! Totally with you on the scarf, too. And the jeans.
Still keeping an eye out for the right sundress…
Ted and I are so ridiculously envious of your 32 liter packs. You have no idea… 😉
The Foodie Survival kit is genius. We got it as a birthday gift for Tony from Leanne and Leah back in BA… It is a godsend. And I finally caved and bought a scarf in Croatia… Love!
So agree with you regarding peanut butter! Can be a meal or a snack and doesn’t need refrigeration. THE BEST!
(Yep, my sister and her ex got “caught” with a jar going through security and had to throw it away. WTF, because if it was in sandwich form it would have been fine. Seriously, the dumbest thing EVER!)
I know! It was my go-to snack in Bolivia… And very expensive there too, but I looked at it as an investment.
Yeah I mean common, it’s a spread – not a liquid! Tony got a lot of amusement out of how mad I got though at security. I think the TSA agent just confiscated it for her own use. I haven’t found a jar in Europe since that whole fiasco… so sad!
Sounds likes someone finally bought a scarf! Essential, can be used as a headband, dust filter on motorcyle rides through Vietnam, blanket on long bus rides, decency panel while peeing on the side of the road during those same bus rides, picnic table, curtain in a hostel, towel, leash for Tony….
I could go on and on
I know! I am loving it – Best purchase ever (minus the occasional peanut butter jar). I have just been using mine recently for the chilly nights in Croatia but it sounds like you have found MANY uses for it… a decency panel or dust filter on motorcycle rides in Vietnam??!! You are quite the wild woman! haha and I love the leash suggestion 😉
This is really useful. A scarf is the most useful thing you can have as you can wear it as a sarong for the beach, headscarf if it’s too hot, face cover if it’s dusty and if you’re in the bottom bunk of a shared dorm then it can make a very handy privacy screen for your bed!
Glad you liked it! I have heard so much feedback from people on the various uses for scarfs… Who knew there were so many possibilities?! It makes me very happy about my recent purchase of one!
Peanut Butter is our staple! We pick it up in almost every location just in case
Great list – I’ve been considering piking up some jeans/jeggings… I need to just do it!
I haven’t had my PB fix in over a month – so sad! You should definitely take the plunge and buy some jeans. Although, mine got a little tight after our recent trip to France/Italy… Whoops!
Love the list – and definitely agree on jeans and dresses even though it’s so tempting to not include them when you’re traveling with a backpack! What shoes did you bring with you to avoid the ‘tourist look’ but to still travel around town on long walks?
Morgan! Thanks so much for checking out our blog – It has been forever and I hope all is well with you and the family! For shoes, I actually wear Puma ballerinas. They are very comfy and even roll up in my backpack!,en_US,pd.html&cgid=13120#!i%3D23%26color%3D04
Awesome! Thanks :). An you find you can walk long distances or do you switch out for tennies?
PS I hope you guys are having such a wonderful time! It has been too long since we’ve seen each other!
Thanks so much Morgan! I just saw pics on FB of Liv and she is such a doll… I hope to meet her someday! Oh and tell Kevin Tony and I say hello!! We may just have to swing by San Diego on our way back home from our RTW trip!
As far as the ballerinas go, I actually wear inserts in mine… With those puppies on, I can walk for miles – Even on European cobblestone streets!
Yes, you must come visit! What inserts did you find that fit?
Yay! I use SOLEs… Podiatrist recommended them and I love them!
LOVE the spice kit, cannot tell you how many folks we’ve met, and cooked with, who would drool over that on the road! And the sundress is a MUST… plus I would add a couple of Old Navy or whatever cheap very thin (next to nothing in a pack) T-shirts… as when things get lost, stolen when being washed, etc. it is impossible to find simple clothes like that – IMPOSSIBLE… at least in South America where it’s all stupid slogan T-shirts for 13 year olds
The spice kit and sundress sure do make life much easier on the road. We are hitting summertime in Europe now so I may just need to buy another dress!
I LOVE Old Navy shirts but I actually packed mostly Icebreaker shirts, since they are quick dry and odor resistant… But they are quite pricey! Cheap is the way to go on the road – I cannot tell you the amount of times we have had our clothing go missing at the laundry places in South America! Thanks for the tip
Peanut butter! I love that you included this because it is my first packed item as well! and some exofficio underwear/ I mean who can beat a slogan that says “16 countries, one pair of underwear.”
I ran out and now I can’t find my PB anywhere in Europe… Gah! I also have 4 pairs of exofficio skivvies – I love them but that slogan must have been tested a guy!
For traveling, try taking PB2 instead of peanut butter. It is powdered peanut butter (no more liquid argument) and you just add some water to it to make peanut butter — an amazing thing! My coworker eats it at work every day. She likes to add extra water (makes it more like a sauce than a spread) and then eat it with cut fruit.
oh man that sounds amazing! Where do they sell PB2? I have friends coming to visit in Europe next month so I may have to have them pick me up a batch before the trip. I am a fan of the chunky PB myself, so perhaps I could add some chopped peanuts in the mix!? Thanks so much for sharing this incredibly valuable tip… You are a lifesaver!
Our trip starts in September so we are just now starting to think of what to pack/buy. Definitely think I’ll bring my jeans – I practically live in them in the US so I think I would be lost without them abroad!
I highly recommend them – You want to like the clothes you travel in, so travel with what you like to wear at home… as long as its practical of course! I found the New York to Nomad packing list extremely helpful when planning for what I was going to pack. Here is the link:
Ah can’t believe I commented on this post back in June and now it’s 2.5 months later and we only have 3.5 weeks left before our trip eeeek – where did the time go?!?! Now I REALLY need to start figuring out my packing needs! Thanks for providing the link – I’m heading over there now to check it out! Seriously LOVE your blog and am sorry to bombard your posts with tons of comments today!
Vicky, don’t apologize – I love all the comments! Crazy how time flies. We waited until a couple weeks before our trip to buy stuff and pack our bags… And just remember, you can buy stuff on the road too – often for much cheaper than back in the states!
With only 10 days to go before our trip I am seriously starting to feel like we are no where near prepared at all! But yes I definitely need to remember that whatever I want/need I will probably be able to find on the road!
I love the list. A scarf is also great for times when you need to cover up – especially in Asia for example. I am so in love with the Foodie Survival Kit – am definitely getting one of those for the next trip! Great list thanks.
Thanks Katherine! We head to Asia in August so I am glad I have a scarf for the journey. Would you recommend I bring anything else for the Asia trip – What are the must-haves? I am so sad but we ran out of our Foodie Survival Kit- It was just THAT good. Now I need to find another to replace it!
I know in some of the temples, we (girls) had to have scarves tied around our waists to cover our wombs (why i don’t know – no one ever explained this – we also weren’t allowed in if we were on our periods in Bali – how would they know??!!) – at the same time we had to have our shoulders covered too (so t-shirt handy for this). Some places you have to take your shoes off. I usually stuffed mine in my backpack but by the end they were so old I didn’t care if they got stolen (and I had a pair of jandals/flip flops in my bag anyway just in case). Most places you are good with a scarf and t-shirt though so you should be fine.
Buy, make, wear, take a T-shirt with some hilarious text in the language of the country you’re visiting printed on it.
Even better: one on the front (the answer) and one on the back (the question).
Communication Creates Contact.
(Oof, this took me half an hour to create).
Cheers, Pim.
OoO that’s a great idea Pim! I know you’re retired, but you should look into starting your own t-shirt company – I would definitely be a customer! 😉
I have one more…. Nail Glue.
I learned this from an ex but carrying nail glue is always handy, she used it one time to fix a pair of my loafers that were beginning to talk at the front. I have also seen her sort out broken jewellery and even glue a button back onto a shirt!
I never would have thought about nail glue – great one and thanks for commenting and sharing your tips!
This is fantastic! I was thinking to let go of all my scarves prior to my overseas travel. Now I’ll give then another look =]
Definitely! Bring sturdy ones that are not too heavy but also not too light (like chiffon). One of my cotton scarves was used almost daily on the road as an accessory, pillow, curtain, etc.
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